Two US ships used for carrying hazardous waste were broken in Gujarat

Bull power can be used to generate electricity, as an experiment conducted in Gujarat demonstrates

The Gujarat High Court, has directed the joint

Researchers in Gujarat have harnessed the energy of bullocks to generate electricity for 24 villages in Vadodara district. Under this innovative method, four bullocks are yoked on to a shaft,

Women in Gujarat spend inordinate time procuring their daily requirement of water

A novel experiment in Gujarat undertakes the detection of soil microbial diversity

The Supreme Court (SC) has turned down for immediate consideration, pleas by the Union Government and the state of Gujarat for permission to increase the height of the Narmada dam from the present

y k alagh, minister of state for planning, has appealed to the people of Gujarat to create strong public opinion to declare the Sardar Sarovar Project (ssp) a national project. Delivering a

Kitchen waste and aquatic weeds are the newest sources for biogas and manure. The days of cowdung are numbered

Modifications in a traditional water harvesting system promises to augment supplies
