Enable Block: 

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of In re: Scientific Disposal of Bio-Medical Waste arising out of Covid-19 treatment- Compliance of BMW Rules 2016. The issue for consideration is the remedial action to address the gaps in compliance of the BMW Rules, 2016, as applicable to the disposal of bio-medical waste arising out of handling of COVID-19 disease.

Compliance report filed by the regional officer, Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB) dated 17/07/2020 before the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Ravi Sharma Vs State of Uttar Pradesh. The matter deals with the scientific disposal of biomedical waste by M/s Medical Pollution Control Committee (CBMWTF), Growth Central, Industrial Area, Bijoli, Jhansi was inspected by the UPPCB on June 3, 2020.

Order of the National Green Tribunal In Re : Water Pollution by Tanneries at Jajmau, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh WITH Original Application No. 986/2019 In Re : Water Pollution at Rania, Kanpur Dehat & Rakhi Mandi, Kanpur Nagar, Uttar Pradesh dated 16/07/2020. This order is being passed in continuation of order dated 15.11.2019.

Additional Compliance Report dated 15/07/2020 on behalf of DPCC in compliance of the National Green Tribunal order of November 20, 2019 in the matter of Amrita Puri Residential Colony Residents' Welfare Association Vs SMS Water Grace (P) Ltd. & Others. M/s SMS Water Grace BMW (P) Ltd., operator of common bio-medical waste treatment facility (CBWTF), it was observed that PM, NO2, total polychlorinated di-benzo dioxins and furans are exceeding the prescribed standards.

Updated action taken report of Delhi State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. (DSIIDC) of July 7, 2020 regarding steps taken after May 4, 2020 with respect to setting up of treatment, storage and disposal facility (TSDF) for hazardous waste at Bawana, Delhi by DSIIDC in the matter of All India Lokadhikar Sangathan Vs Govt. of NCT of Delhi & Others.

Report by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in the matter of Avani Mishra Vs Union of India & Others dated 11/06/2020 on the unchecked use of plastic pens having adverse impact on the environment. It has been observed that 1600 to 2400 million pieces are brought to the market every year and 91% of plastic waste so generated was not recycled and the Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) was not being fully enforced.

Joint report of CPCB and GPCB on status of restoration processes in place for dumped gypsum and ground water contamination in pursuance of NGT (Principle Bench, Delhi) order of November 20, 2019 in the matter of Marvada Amrutlal Becharlal vs. State of Gujarat (O.A. No 669 of 2018).

Action taken report in pursuance of National Green Tribunal order of November 20, 2019 regarding remediation process of groundwater and gypsum removal by the industrial unit - Ashapura Perfoclay Ltd. (village Ler, taluka Bhuj, district Kutch, Gujarat) in addition to conducting periodical checks. The tribunal also directed the issuance of a public notice regarding the unfitness of the groundwater for drinking and other uses in the interest of public health. 

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Pawan Kumar Sharma Versus Govt. of NCT of Delhi dated 20/05/2020 regarding violation of environmental norms by IL & FS Company at Jahangirpuri, Delhi.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Subhas Datta Vs State of West Bengal & Others dated 18/05/2020 regarding non-compliance of the guidelines prescribed by the Central Pollution Control Board on handling, treatment and disposal of Bio Medical Waste of Covid-19 patient with specific reference to the Bio Medical Waste arising out of home quarantine in the State of West Bengal.
