Air pollution levels are soaring in Hong Kong. Smog drifting from the neighbouring Chinese province of Guangdong is said to be one of the major reasons for the alarming trend. To combat the menace,

Not So Sweet More than 70 snacks, drinks and noodles have been removed from shop shelves. These were suspected to

Following the death of thousands of birds due to the H5 virus attack, Hong Kong has culled 18,000 chickens at a farm outside a quarantined area. Allaying fears, health authorities said the strain was

Although with the switchover of minibuses from diesel to lpg , the Hong Kong government would be sacrificing up to us $100

The world's first two dolphins conceived using the technique of artificial insemination have been born in Hong Kong. The technique could help save the endangered species. The two dolphins, one female

Officials in Hong Kong have completed their slaughtering operation to contain the spread to a flu caused by the H5N1 strain of avian influenza virus. At least 1.4 million birds were slaughtered

An virus stages a comeback in Hong Kong to kill thousands of birds

To combat air pollution, Hong Kong is going to make some areas of its busy commercial districts into traffic-free zones. Starting from later this year, vehicles will not be allowed to ply in

the administrators of Hong Kong have set 2005 as the deadline within which time they will try and clean the city's heavily polluted air. The region's air pollution index hit an all-time high and its

Pollution reached its highest recorded level in Hong Kong during the first week of the New Year as low winds and dirty air from the mainland left the area cloaked in smog. The air pollution index at
