Report filed by the Environmental Engineer, Kerala State Pollution Control Board regarding biomedical waste management in Kerala in the matter of 'The Tribunal on its motion on the implementation of the Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016 in Kerala' Vs The State of Kerala & Others.

Justice P. Jyothimani, Chairperson, State Monitoring Committee of the National Green Tribunal filed the second report on solid waste management implementation in Tamil Nadu relating to disposal of solid waste in Theetukkal village of Udagamandalam municipality and waste dumped at Kuruthukuly, Chalukkudi of Padanthurai village in Gudalur, Udagamandalam district.

Second report by Justice Dr. P. Jyothimani led Monitoring Committee on solid waste management implementation in Tamil Nadu relating to Udamandalam and Gudalur dated 24/05/2021.

The matter related to disposal of solid waste in Theetukkal village of Udagamandalam Municipality and waste dumped at Kuruthukuly, Chalukkudi of Padanthurai village in Gudalur, Udagamandalam district.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the application filed by Air Marshal Anil Chopra on environmental and waste management issues in the Armed Forces, cantonments and military stations.

4th quarterly report for year 2020-2021 by the government of Telangana in Original Application No. 606 of 2018 in the matter of compliance of MSW Management Rules, 2016.

Around 39% (4053 TPD) of waste generated is segregated at source and transported in Telangana and this is the status for the quarter January 2021 to March 2021. In all the 142 urban local bodies (ULBs), transportation of segregation of waste is implemented. Further, 52 ULBs have commenced biomining.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of In re: News item published on 01.07.2020 in the local daily named “The Hindu” titled “Ramky Group accused of dumping biomedical waste in the open in Hosur” dated 19/03/2021.

This Report of the Standing Committee on Urban Development (2020-21) deals with the action taken by the Government on the recommendations contained in their Twenty Fifth Report (Sixteenth Lok Sabha) on the subject, ‘Solid Waste Management including Hazardous waste, Medical waste and E-waste’ of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs which w

Monthly progress report by the Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board for the month of January 2021 in the matter of Original Application No. 673 of 2018 in compliance of the National Green Tribunal order, September 24, 2020.

The matter relates to steps taken by the state of Chhattisgarh to control river pollution.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Ravi Sharma Vs State of Uttar Pradesh dated 18/01/2021. The matter related to the allegation of unscientific dumping of bio-medical waste in open in Bijoli area of Jhansi district, Uttar Pradesh, resulting in pollution of air, water and land and causing diseases to the inhabitants of the area.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Shailesh Singh Vs Sheela Hospital & Trauma Centre, Shahjahanpur & Others dated 18/01/2021. The issue raised in these applications was non-compliance of the provisions of Bio-medical Waste Management Rules, 2016 (BMW Rules) by the States and UTs.
