A Canadian court slapped Suncor Energy Inc and a contractor it hired with more than C$1 million ($805,000) in fines on Thursday for environmental infractions at the company's northern Alberta oil sands operations.

MoU signed by UN agency with Indian partners

Sandeep Joshi

NEW DELHI: United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO)


The National City Center in Troy, Michigan, where a hydrogen-powered autorickshaw plies
Capitalist America, red rag to Citu, has a way out of Calcutta

Melbourne: Researchers in Australia have built a hydrogen-powered racing car using a modified internal combustion motorcycle engine, that they claim demonstrates the possibilities of the gas as a renewable fuel of the future.

Rail travel produces more than a third less emissions than road transport

Researchers have found a new, efficient catalyst to convert ethanol and other biofuels into hydrogen - a discovery that could help make the use of hydrogen-powered cars more practical in the future.

The catalyst - which was presented this week at the American Chemical Society meeting in Philadelphia -makes hydrogen from ethanol with 90 per cent yield.

It is much less expensive than others being developed around the world because it does not contain precious metals, such as platinum or Thodium.

It looks like an ordinary family sedan, costs more to build than a Ferrari and may have just moved the world one step closer to a future free of petroleum. The FCX Clarity on a test drive after an introduction ceremony in Japan on Monday. On Monday, Honda Motor celebrated the start of production of its FCX Clarity, the world's first hydrogen-powered fuel-cell vehicle intended for mass production. In a ceremony at a factory an hour north of Tokyo, the first assembly-line FCX Clarity rolled out to the applause of hundreds of Honda employees wearing white jump suits.

-- Honda's new zero-emission, hydrogen fuel cell car rolled off a Japanese production line Monday and is headed to Southern California, where Hollywood is already abuzz over the latest splash in green motoring. The FCX Clarity, which runs on hydrogen and electricity, emits only water and none of the noxious fumes believed to induce global warming. It is also two times more energy efficient than a gas-electric hybrid and three times that of a standard gasoline-powered car, the company says.

International firm Air Products will fuel London's planned fleet of hydrogen buses in a

Plans for a fuel-cell powered concept sports car has been revealed by luxury UK manufacturer Morgan.
