Island countries in the Pacific face very specific challenges when it comes to energy security.

Minister of Industry and Trade Tarek Kabil announced that the ministry will establish a new solar energy project for industrial purposes within the next five years, adding that the ministry is coop

The Gambia government through the Ministry of Energy in conjunction with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Gobal Environment Facility (GEF) on Wednesday validat

A dioxin testing laboratory, said to be the first in South Asia, was inaugurated at the Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) on Thrusday.

New green power initiatives could reduce Sri Lanka’s greenhouse gas emissions by almost 20 percent by 2020, Sri Lanka’s Industry and Commerce Minister stated, referring to the Asian Development Ban

Twenty-eight Punjab hospitals have been selected for an international project aimed at effective management of bio-medical waste. Of these hospitals, four are big, eight medium and 16 small ventures.

The initiative is part of a project being executed by the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests. Members of the UNIDO team along with Dr M Subba Rao, Director, Union Ministry of Environment and Forests, said this here today during a visit to Dayanand Medical College and Hospital. Ludhiana also has been selected as the model district for the project in Punjab.

Sri Lanka will take the first step to the hydrogen fuel era with the first ever hydrogen workshop in Colombo tomorrow.

To make it viable for small and medium enterprises to adopt environmental standards, a range of government, multilateral organisations and think tanks have decided to band themselves on a common pl

The Karnataka-based Shri Kshetra Dharmasthala Rural Development Project (SKDRDP) has won Ashden Gold Award.

The 6th South Asia Constituency Meeting of Global Environmental Facility (GEF) was conducted in Maldives. The meeting was inaugurated by Dr.
