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I WOULD like to strongly denounce the message sent by Rajesh Pilot to this august assembly to discuss people's management of the Riljaji National Park by the Van Gujjars. It appears from his message

The CBI now focuses its eagle eyes on truant NGOs for alleged misuse of funds

The Vaijnath Leather Complex (VlC) established in 1962 in Bardoli, Gujarat, was hailed as a model of governmeritj intervention to revive the village leather industry. "Its founding fathers had

Proposed amendments to this pristine state's Forest Act make a fresh draft blow envisaged over ecological developments

THE mythic origins of Jodhpur's water crisis go back to the time when the Rao Jodha clan laid claim to the rocky outcrop that was to be the-Mehrangarh fort about 500 years ago. But to do so, they

Two Delhi-based NGOs, Development Alternatives (DA) and the Centre for Technology Development (CTD), provide examples of fairly successful, contrasting modes of disseminating technology to

Why should we be ashamed of what we are doing?" demands Sudama Devi. We are earning a living." In a state where women are boUght and sold like cattle, the case of this wizened woman from ChoUhka

The mad scramble for patenting the magic malaria antidote is seemingly resulting in dishonesty and plagiarism, while Onges, the actual knowledge providers, wait and watch, helplessly

A slightly unsavoury idea but urine has actually been found to cure several illnesses. And this belief drew hundreds of delegates to the three-day long First World Conference on Auto Urine

An improved version of a device that keeps blood vessels inflated after cholesterol deposits have been ballooned out of them has been developed by European cardiologists
