Enable Block: 

JOINING the Russians and the French, the US senate overwhelmingly voted to suspend, and ultimately ban, the testing of nuclear weaponry. Two months back the House of Representatives also voted in

WATER QUALITY CRITERIA Water class Criteria A Drinking water without treatment: Faecal coliforms: 50 MPN / 100 ml (max); DO: 5 mg/1

MEDICAL education is suddenly making news. A spate of student agitations in Tamil Nadu; an ordinance banning capitation fee in the state; a petition against private colleges in Andhra Pradesh;

SCIENTISTS at the School of Marine Sciences in Cochin have discovered that shells of some molluscs, such as two-shelled clams, which store trace metals in their shells and tissues, are good

Residents in the UP Himalaya, abundant in rivers and glaciers and covered by a piped water network, are experiencing a water shortage caused by a range of other problems

Researchers at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-arid Tropics (ISRISAT) in Hyderabad find Indian farmers obtain lower groundnut yields than African farmers, due to pest damage.

Worried by the steady erosion of India"s wealth of genetic diversity, a major expansion project will quadruple storage capacity in the national gene bank

River Capacity Existing class Desired class Possible source of pollution Sabarmati i) Ahmedabad city to Sabarmati

A massive project holds out no guarantee that it can make river water potable

Indian scientists have classified levels of atmospheric pollution using lichens.
