

Alongside the battles raging in the Gaza strip, another war is being fought

>> The US state of Hawai has introduced a web service that puts patients face-to-face with doctors. Doctors hold 10-minute appointments, which can be extended for a fee. They can also file prescriptions and view patients

SAN FRANCISCO: Google will announce its entry Tuesday into the small but growing business of "smart grid," digital technologies that seek to both keep the electrical system on an even keel and reduce electrical energy consumption.

Pop culture has always influenced language, today it is the Internet IN THE 1950s, purists frowned when American cartoonist Charles Schulz introduced the antithetical phrase The Santhals are amongst the better studied tribal communities in the country. In fact, the first attempt to study Santhali culture was made in colonial times by some Christian missionaries. The Norwegian-born missionary Paul Olaf Bodding wrote the first grammar for the Santhal community in the early 20th century. The community uses a script invented just 80

Chinese Internet search engine Baidu has said it will overhaul its operations after being shamed by the government for allowing unlicensed medical services to buy high search rankings. In the last week of November, the state-run China Central Television reported that the search rankings had steered people to unlicensed and expensive hospitals or medicines that failed to cure them. One

Chandigarh: The state mandis will now be connected with Internet services provided at all centres. The Government has planned its computerisation project in such a way that the prices of agro-commodities would now be available online. The farmers would be educated and trained to use the new facilities.

>> Head-hunters rely a lot on social networks on the Internet, but finding information and experts is neither easy nor efficient; valuable information is left buried within online communities. A US company, SRI International, teamed up with military officers to build a new social analytics tool called iLink that generates models and helps streamline the process by which a specific expert in an
