India is one of the world's biggest users of ground water and its depleting levels are the main reason for the country's severe shortages

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Jai Gopal Dhiman Vs Department of Agriculture & Farmer Welfare, Govt. of Punjab & Others dated 04/07/2019 regarding preponing of date of transplantation of paddy crop from 20th June, 2019 to 13th June, 2019 in the State of Punjab will lead to further depletion of ground water level and not conducive to the environment. The applicant has relied upon a report prepared by the Department of Water Resources and Central Ground Water Authority to the effect that 79% area of State of Punjab is over-exploited in respect of ground water.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Cleaning of Ponds, Lakes and Canals, 04/07/2019. Central Assistance (CA) for renovation of water bodies is provided under the scheme of Repair, Renovation and Restoration (RRR) of Water Bodies, which is a component of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY).

CAG of India’s report on Maharashtra (Economic Sector) that was tabled in state assembly on the last day of the monsoon session (2nd July) talks about problems that continue to plague irrigation projects, even those that are slated to receive central government grants under Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP).

Interest in irrigation in sub-Saharan Africa has revived since 2000, in line with the revival of interest in agricultural development and food security in general.

While 42% of India's land area is currently facing a drought, 88.11% of Punjab's districts and 76.02% of Haryana's are drought-resilient, according to a 2018 study published in Journal of Hydrology

Greenpeace India’s Solarisation of Agriculture report, examines five models of solar irrigation pumps in the states of Bihar, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, and Odisha, looking at state policies and cost/revenue and benefit sharing associated with each case study.

Aiming for sustainable water management, the state on Sunday announced that it would promote micro-irrigation of maize on 1,000 acres this season.

Central Water Commission being the apex nodal agency in the water resources sector regularly bring out publications to cater to the growing needs of data on water resources and related aspects.

Small reservoirs are a critical coping mechanism in water-stressed rural areas in Africa, providing immense livelihood benefits that include improved food and water security, entrepreneurial activities and climate resilience.
