Latest survey shows the number at 250 in two of the State’s national parks

Alarmed by frequent incidents of rhino poaching in north Bengal, the West Bengal government has decided to adopt a two-pronged approach to deal with the menace.

The environment ministry has been pulled by the Supreme Court for not taking steps to stop casualty of elephants in train accidents. The apex court also condemned the decision of West Bengal government to sterilise elephants.

Alipurduar, June 1: Six elephant calves that were rescued from various places and raised in Jaldapara would be permanently shifted to a national park in Uttar Pradesh for forest patrol.

The habitat of the endangered Great Asian one-horned rhino in North Bengal has been hit hard by fund crunch.

An analysis of tiger scat samples collected from January to May this year at the Buxa Tiger Reserve in north Bengal has revealed the presence of 20 tigers in the reserve forest, senior officials of

GUWAHATI, Nov 30 – In furtherance of the growing bilateral ties between the North-East and Taiwan in the sphere of conservation, the Ambassador of Taiwan, Wen Chyi Ong, today handed over a cheque o

GUWAHATI: The Taiwan government on Wednesday donated an amount of USD 11,000 to two wildlife conservation organisations of Assam, working in the field of one-horned rhino conservation.

Representative of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Centre, New Delhi, Ambassador Wenchyi Ong made the donations on behalf of the Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture of Taiwan.

‘JICA to give Rs. 400 crore long-term soft loan'

The West Bengal Government is set to sign an agreement with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for a Rs. 400 crore long-term soft loan for the conservation of wildlife and biodiversity.

Alipurduar, July 31: A scat analysis by a Hyderabad-based laboratory has confirmed the presence of at least three tigers in Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary, which is famous for its one-horn rhinoceros
