The Centre has released over Rs 112 crore under the National Rural Water Supply Programme (NRWSP) to help the state meet the growing demand for potable water.

More than 150 structures, including some residential houses and government buildings, were reportedly partially damaged in an earthquake of moderate intensity that rocked Doda and Kishtwar districts in the intervening night of May 19 and 20. While the earthquake was mild in Doda district, Chatroo, Dharabshalla, Sarthal and Saroor areas of Kishtwar district witnessed the main impact of the quake.

Expressing concern over degradation of forests and water bodies in the state, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has called for a large-scale afforestation by using innovative measures to reclaim denuded and depleted forest areas.

Jammu: The ambitious plan for a new terminal building for Jammu Airport which will involve 1,300 kanals of land, extending up to Vikram Chowk, near Tawi river, has got stuck due to a chunk of 145 kanals of Defence land en route.

Demanding white paper on the land encroachments at Jammu at the behest of politicians, Ashok Khajuria, BJP President, BJP warned of public agitation, if the government land including that of Karnaila Chak encroached by the mafia is not evacuated and punishment given to the guilty.

Chief Secretary S S Kapur today called for a vigorous campaign for preservation of water bodies and other natural resources bestowed in the State. He urged the people to come forward and lend a helping hand in government


MM ISMANAGEM M ENT of biomed M ical wastes in and around the hospitals in Kashmir valley continues to add to the pollution levels thereby creating problems for both the patients in the hospitals and people at large.

Syed Junaid Hashmi

Structures gutted in the clash between police and Gujjars at Gujjar Basti in village Karnaila Chak on the banks of river Tawi had neither been constructed overnight nor were they existing on the 10 hectares of land in possession of social forestry department where a nursery continues to exist.

Gujjars of Jammu and Kashmir today demanded dismissal of Police and Forest officials who set ablaze more than 30 houses of nomadic Gujjars at village Karnala Chak on the banks of river Tawi adjoining Vikram Chowk in Jammu yesterday.

Shabir Ibn Yusuf

Officials claimed the Chinese toys contained lead (pb). This element, if ingested, can cause various ills like brain hemorrhage, anemia, learning problems and slow growth.
More than three months after the union government banned the import of Chinese toys in country, KashmirValley still seems to have a fancy for low cost battery operated toys.
