KARACHI - The Provincial Dengue Surveillance Cell of Sindh Health Department confirmed death of another dengue patient in Thatta, taking the toll to 30 in the province.
Karachi—Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC) started to conduct 4-hours a day load shedding at all water pumping stations of Karachi Water and Sewerage Board (KW&SB) from Wednesday and announ
Though the Karachi Corporation (KMC) and district Municipal Corporations (DMC) carried out operations for lifting the offal of the sacrificial animals from across the city but the lime dusting proc
Pakistan’s largest metropolitan and the worlds third most densely populated city suffers from severe pollution due to a lack of interest by successive governments in tackling environment degradatio
Nineteen more dengue viral fever cases were detected in Karachi on Wednesday, increasing the patients’ toll to 1388 this year, said Dr M Shakeel Aamir Mullick Focal Person for Dengue Surveillance C
At least 24 more dengue viral fever cases were reported in the city on Monday, increasing the number of patients to 1,309 this year, said Sindh Dengue Surveillance Cell Focal Person Dr Shakeel Mull
Any further delay in carrying out rehabilitation and remodelling of the Kalri Baghar Feeder Upper (KB Feeder-Upper) will ultimately undermine the K-III water supply scheme — meant for Karachi — and