Says `no-go' areas would be sacrosanct, except in exceptional circumstances

An RTI enquiry has found that a high-level committee, formed by the ministry of earth sciences and climate change to review environmental laws, was not constituted according to requisite administra

The committee has suggested an umbrella law to help set up new national and state-level regulators that would also take the powers of the existing pollution control boards

This agreement is fundamental to continuing the Organization's work in member States with Judges, Parliamentarians and Civil Society Organizations which are strategic partners to advancing the envi

Proposing a complete overhaul of the existing environmental governance framework, a government-appointed expert committee has recommended measures that would make it easier to set up industrial or

A high-level committee formed to review green laws has recommended the reduction of the role of inspectors in approving plans and monitoring air and water pollution.

The high-level committee, set up in August to review green laws and suggest amendments to bring them in sync with the Modi government's development agenda, on Tuesday submitted its report to the en

Inter-Parliamentary Union’s meeting comes ahead of Second International Conference on Nutrition in Rome

An Act to provide for the establishment of the Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Board; for the promotion and encouragement of the use of nuclear science and technology for national development purposes; for the establishment of the sri lanka atomic energy regulatory council; for the regulation of practices involving ionizing radiation and the safety and

Even as the high level committee formed by Modi government proposes a new Environment Loss Management Act, see this agenda for improving environmental governance submitted by Centre for Science and Environment.
