The Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) recently carried out the third annual nationwide bird count in India, targeting the commonly seen or heard species. The campaign was aimed at

Researcher Melvin Dyer and his colleagues from the University of Georgia, US, have discovered a peculiar relationship or synergy. while a bug cats a plant, it also secretes

William Wood, a geneticist from the University of Colorado at Boulder, US, has found a method for controlling crop-decimating nematode (roundworm) populations. A gene, isolated from

Darwinian sapience takes a beating as the notion of "punctuated equilibrium" - which postulates that evolution occurred in sudden fits and starts - gathers shape

Anything that evolves in contradiction to the twin engines of random mutation and natural selection is a potential threat to Darwin's theory. John Cairns, a Harvard University geneticist, discovered

Yet another challenge to Darwin's dogma comes from worthless stretches of DNA- JUNK DNA -or introns. Most evolutionary theorists see the history of life as a progression from spineless blobs to that

Genetic intervention in the AIDS virus takes researchers closer to a possible victory over 'God's wrath' of the 20th century

What appear to be vestigial or redundant organs need not be so, as the Spalax ehrenberghi teaches us

The missing links to the awe inspiring blooming of an embryo into an adult animal may be at hand

Immunologists in Delhi adjuvanate proteins for heightening their immune response
