Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board has asked all the local bodies of Madurai district to establish plastic waste collection centres and dispose them of at cement kiln of Madras Cements in Virudhuna

Four-lane highways, a mega desalination plant, construction of houses, schools, hospitals as well as cold storages are amongst the suggestions to the central government made by former president A.P

A public interest litigation petition has been filed in the Madras High Court Bench here alleging that the Madurai Collector and Executive Officers of Uthangudi, Y. Othakadai and Narasingam Panchayats have not taken steps to clear the garbage and drainage water stagnation abutting the exclusive pathway for High Court judges on the eastern side of the court compound.

The government’s plan to fast track de-congestion of major cities is running in the slow lane for almost three years now.

The power authorities are actively contemplating the installation of a dedicated 400 KV power line exclusively for the transmission of electricity generated from wind mills, said A. Nachadalingam, Chief Engineer (Distribution) of Madurai Region, Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO).

One step is the installation of retro-reflective display boards giving names of roads and directions to landmarks

Madurai Declaration on final day of 3-day meet


Turn system will be introduced in case of failure of monsoon or slump in storage: Collector
THENI: Water was released from Periyar dam for irrigation of first crop in the double cropping area in Cumbum Valley and from Vaigai dam for irrigation of lands in Madurai and Dindigul districts on Tuesday.

While Finance Minister O.

MADURAI: The Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency (TEDA) is organising a two-day national conference on renewable energy at Udhagamandalam in The Nilgiris district on Saturday and Sunday (May 28 and 29) in association with the Tamil Nadu Tea Exporters' Association.

A delegation of 100 foreign scholars involved in solar thermal research were also likely to take part in the conference, S.E.S.

Monitoring systems for 81 districts across the country
Four are coming up in Kayathar, Ramanathapuram, Karaikudi, and Tiruchi
Proposal to install SPV Rooftop System in Kanyakumari has been sent for approval

MADURAI: The Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is establishing seven Solar Insolation Monitoring Systems in the State to identify viable locations for installing solar powe
