Giant pandas mate but once a year, producing at the most two cubs, only one of which usually survives the reproductive habits that try the patience of zoologists working to save the endangered
A recent study of yellow baboons suggests that environmental stress leads to infertility in them. In a season when food is scarce, conception rates are likely to halve. Scientists could correlate the
Scientists attending the recent Annual Congress of European Society of Cardiology in Birmingham, UK, believe that the Chlamydia pneumoniae and Helicobacter pylori bacteria can cause heart
According to the latest red list of endangered species brought out by the World Conservation Union (IUCN), mammals top the list of animals facing extinction. This runs contrary to the generally held
Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, in collaboration with those at the Marine Biological Lab in Massachusetts, US, have worked out the mechanism behind the fastest muscle among
The mystery behind the deaths of endangered American manatees has been solved. The high concentration of the chemical brevetoxin in red tides lashing the Florida coast is the cause