don't go by their size. Large mammalian carnivores are a vulnerable lot. A paper published recently says that they constantly face the threat of extinction because their body mass follows a

Angering environmentalists, the us Defense Department has exempted the Navy from complying with the Marine Mammal Protection Act for the next two years. The Navy contended that it needs the

numbers phobia: Children with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) have particular difficulty understanding numbers and sequences, a University of Alberta study shows. An assessment of 50

A mystery disease is wiping out large numbers of the native little red flying fox from the skies of Katherine town in the Northern Territory of Australia. Scientists are yet to identify the exact

This abstract is for a presentation made an international conference entitled “The Precautionary EMF Approach: Rationale, Legislation and Implementation”, convened by the International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety and hosted by the City of Benevento, Italy, in February 2006

Sloth bear (Melursus ursinus) is one of the widely distributed large mammals in India. At the same time, the sloth bear has suffered as much as other large mammals from human impacts on forested areas. The North Bilaspur Forest Division, Chhattisgarh, which an un-protected area, harbours a large number of sloth bears.

are readily able to degrade crude oil. Scientists from the Estaci

In recent decades, wild boar numbers have increased worldwide. Wild boar can adapt to a wide range of habitats and foods and have the highest reproductive rate among ungulates. Therefore, wild boar can have a very substantial environmental impact and affect many ecosystem components. This paper summarises studies of the environmental impact of wild boar. Very few studies have quantified the impact of wild boar on plant and animal communities. Most of those studies indicate that wild boar can greatly affect species abundance, species richness. soil chemestry and food webs.

Endangered species are not adequately protected in their habitats

the ebola virus is threatening lowland gorillas of central Africa, states the World Conservation Union (iucn). The warning is significant as the area has one of the largest concentrations of these
