Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of T.N. Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs. Union of India & Others dated 23/03/2016 regarding illegal mining in Balpakram National Park, Meghalaya.

Counsel appearing for the State of Meghalaya will take clear instructions if the recommendation of the CEC are acceptable to the State Government in respect to the NPV on payment of 10 times as well as no further construction of the road and directions in relation to Balapakram park, no mining and encroachment.

Shillong: Meghalaya Chief Minister Mukul Sangma on Tuesday expressed optimism to resolve the crisis following the NGT ban on mining and transportation of coal in the state, by submitting a mining p

Five-member Tribunal Bench to hear case on Tuesday

Climate related projects worth more than Rs 100 crore which were submitted by five states including Jammu and Kashmir and Mizoram were approved by the Union Environment Ministry today.

Meghalaya is ready to roll out the National Food Security Act (NFSA) from this month.

SHILLONG: The High Court of Meghalaya has allowed traditional excavation and transportation of limestone and sandstone in the State.

The Public Health Engineering (PHE) department today denied reports that the Greater Shillong Water Supply Scheme (GSWSS) was supplying acidic drinking water to the residents of Shillong city.

The National Green Tribunal has directed the state government to file its status report on stone mining in Meghalaya and encroachment by way of illegal constructions in Balpakram National Park .

A study was conducted to assess the adverse effect of climate change as perceived by the scientists of Krishi Vigyan Kendra,Megahlaya. Data were collected from 25 scientists by questionnaire method in the month of October,2012 to January,2013. For this purpose five important components viz.

The overall air quality in Meghalaya is "good" except for those areas in industrial estates and where vehicular movement is at its peak, the Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board said today.
