Genome sequencing of Methanococcus jannaschii, at the Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) in Gaithersburg, Maryland, US, has confirmed that this ancient-Iooking microorganism is not really a
A major success is on the anvil for scientists at the University of London, which could mean an end to the problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Michael WilsoQ and his colleagues have
A more proactive World Health Organization (WHO) seems to be in the offing. The Organi- zation intends to set up an earlywarning system El and a rapid reaction force to tackle epidemics. A
THERE may finally be an answer to disposing off the scourge of environment: plastics. Researchers at the National institute of Bioscience and Human Technology in Japan have homed in
The legend goes that drops of nectar being carried to heaven fell on earth and out grew garlic plants. Though the role of garlic in curing various human ailments has long been established,