In the recent years, scientists have employed diverse means to protect the environment, among which bioremediation has shown great potential as an effective method to clean up toxic wastes. But how

Scientists figure out the common cold handshake

several mineral water sachets in Chennai have been found with coliform bacteria. Recently, the health department of the Chennai Corporation had conducted a survey to determine the quality of

Hundreds, perhaps, even thousands of migratory birds are dying in the eastern US and Canada due to salmonella bacteria, the US National Wildlife Health Center (nwhc) announced recently. The

The mysterious pathogen that has been killing coral near the coast of Florida, USA, for the last three years has been finally identified. Scientists Laurie Richardson and his team at the Florida

Microbes seeking extreme heat do not seem to care much about how their genes are organised, say

Bacteria and hypertension: a new study says the two are actually linked

Researchers have developed a hybrid pollution sensor in the form of a bioluminescent bacteria placed on a standard microchip. A common bacteria is genetically altered to glow in the presence of

Algae and bacteria travel on clouds

You never thought it could happen. For the first time, geneticists have combined genes from different species
