Grown only in a few developed nations till now, the nutrient rich spirulina algae comes to India

is a bacterium that can supposedly carry a metal load that is equal to its own weight. Amazing, right? The bug, the common cyanobacterium Oscillatoria sp which has been isolated from Wazirabad Yamuna

Chemical engineers say algal colonies could be the solution to global warming

"Extremotolerant" bacteria make a living in the deepfreeze lakes in Antarctica

Does your car smell funny to you? Do you get a headache or a runny nose after long drives? Well, cars all across the globe are developing fool smells within a couple of years of leaving the showroom.

There is more to your average germ than you can digest with a straight face. These bacteria can prevent allergies and fight ulcers

Scientists find out how anthrax kills. It may not be very long before we have an antidote to the dreaded bacterium

life is possible on Mars or on a frozen-moon of Jupiter, say scientists. While drilling through ice that fills shallow lakes in Antarctica, they have found colonies of bacteria inside blocks of

South Africa s racist regime was developing high tech gizmos to eliminate unsuspecting black activists

if two types of bacteria that cannot
