Launching the “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” scheme on Thursday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi denounced the practice of female foeticide, saying such discrimination reflects “mental illness” and displa
Union Minister for Women and Child Development Maneka Gandhi announced a Rs. 1-crore award on Tuesday for any innovative village attaining a balanced sex ratio.
Union minister for women and child development (WCD) Maneka Gandhi on Monday laid stress on putting in place a comprehensive time bound action plan in the form of “National Nutrition Mission” to ta
Union minister for women and child development (WCD) Maneka Gandhi is all set to propose to ban junk food from school canteens and substituting it with healthy options.
The Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme could become a lucrative monopoly of contractors and packaged food manufacturers with the Women and Child Development Ministry sticking to it