GANDHINAGAR: The Gujarat government has claimed that the top state public sector undertaking (PSU), Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (GSPC) has discovered a whopping gas reserve of 10.8 trillion cubic feet (TCF) in the Deen Dayal block allocated to it for gas-and-oil exploration in the Krishna Godavi basin, off Andhra coast.
June 29: The Krishna-Godavari basin has been a potential zone for extraction of oil and gas for a long time. The ONGC started exploration for oil and gas in the KG Basin in April 1977, and drilled its first well near Narasapuram in 1978, and discovered gas.
June 29: The AP High Court on Monday directed the ministry of environment and forests (MoEF) to find out whether there is any possibility of land subsidence due to exploration of natural gas in the Krishna-Godavari basin.
June 29: The issue of land subsidence due to the over-exploitation of oil and gas, in both onshore and offshore projects, has become a contentious issue in the Krishna-Godavari basin. While environmentalists have raised concerns over land subsidence, geologists discount any such possibility.
Arctic nations are promising to avoid new "Cold War" scrambles linked to climate change, but military activity is stirring in a polar region where a thaw may allow oil and gas exploration or new shipping routes.
Canada's oil sands emit more carbon dioxide than average crude so developers need a clearer picture of where greenhouse gas regulations are headed to find the best way to tap the giant resource, experts said.
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has upheld a Bush administration finding that the Endangered Species Act is not a suitable tool for restricting carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases threatening the polar bear and its habitat. We agree, with this codicil: There are steps Mr. Salazar can and must take under the act
US energy companies rushing to exploit Pennsylvania's massive natural gas reserves have launched a public relations campaign to calm fears the bonanza is contaminating water with toxic chemicals.
Drillers are holding public meetings to assure people the chemicals used to help extract gas from Pennsylvania's majority share of the Marcellus Shale cannot escape into drinking-water wells.
Arctic nations agreed on Wednesday to crack down on soot that is darkening ice around the North Pole and hastening a thaw that they also blamed on global warming.