Four people were dead and another ten were injured after a carbon monoxide poisoning occurred at a chemical plant in Northwest China's Gansu province on Sunday night, local authorities said Monday.

Incident rates down from 2.6 to 1.4 per thousand workers in 2012-13; while national average is 11 per thousand workers, Goa’s figure is lowest

Even as the industrial scenario in the State remained dismal in 2011-12 with almost 40 industrial units shutting shop, there has been a silver lining with the rate of accidents in the hazardous industries dropping drastically.

For the first time Goa would conduct a safety audit of all of its 250 hazardous units once every two-years, to ensure industrial safety and prevent accidents.

Not just the major accident hazardous (MAH) units, but the pharmaceuticals, steel, chemical and other industries under the hazardous category would be subject to this regime.

The National Green Tribunal has ordered the constitution of an expert committee to inspect Sterlite Copper smelting unit in Tuticorin.

An explosion killed six workers on Monday at a coal mine in northeast China where a similar accident killed 28 miners just three days earlier, state news media reported.

The chief executive of the company that owned the Deepwater Horizon oil rig acknowledged in court on Tuesday that his crew should have done more to avert the 2010 oil well blowout that left 11 dead

The incident occurred at a factory in the southeastern industrial city of Gumi, where a hydrochloric acid leak at another factory last September left more than 3,000 people seeking medical treatmen

Liquid chlorine spill at a chemical plant in Russia's Perm Territory injured 30 people, local authorities told the Interfax news agency Friday.

Carbon monoxide poisoning killed 11 people, after an air compressor caught fire in a coal mine in North China's Hebei province, local authorities said Friday.

Eight miners have been confirmed dead in a colliery blast on Friday in Southwest China's Yunnan province, local government said.
