Washington: Nasa’s Curiosity rover which completed its first soil analysis on Mars has found minerals on the Red Planet similar to weathered basalt volcanic soils in Hawaii.
delves deep into the research carried out by the Science Nobel winners to understand what they did, why they are important & what the future implications of findings are
A French and an American scientist won the Nobel prize on Tuesday for finding ways to measure quantum particles without destroying them, which could make it possible to build a new kind of computer
The Large Hadron Collider can throw up many surprises in the near future, making the next few years the most critical for physics research in a century.
In the euphoria at CERN was missing an Indian name, a Calcuttan whose work way back in the early 20th century had paved the way for the conceptualisation of the Higgs boson.
New Delhi, July 4: India’s imprints on the new subatomic particle announced by scientists today date back to the early 20th century when eminent physicist Satyendra Nath Bose developed mathematics