Adani Ports and SEZ today said the order by the National green Tribunal (NGT) on carrying out work at their Hazira-based port without environment clearance has not impacted its operations in the ar

Judgement of the National Green Tribunal (Western Zone Bench, Pune) in the matter of Hazira Macchimar Samiti & Others Vs Union of India & Others dated 08/01/2016 regarding Environmental Clearance (EC) granted by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) for further development of Port activities at Hajira, district Surat.

Fishermen in Ennore took to the streets on Wednesday protesting against the destruction of mangroves in the Athipattu area by a contactor engaged by Kamraj Port Limited (KPL).

All three asked to give reason why consent to operate should not be revoked for causing environmental pollution

Rising accidents involving merchant ships leading to oil spills in Indian waters is a growing concern that needs to be addressed legally and India’s efforts to ratify the Bunker Convention is a ste

NAVI MUMBAI: The state government, through Maharashtra Coastal Zone Management Authority (MCZMA), has forwarded a proposal to MoEF, asking for special consideration to waive CRZ 2011 notification.

JSW Dharamtar Port has received green clearance for expansion of its jetty facility with an investment of Rs 1,550 crore at Dolvi village in Raigad district of Maharashtra.

Judgement of the National Green Tribunal (Southern Zone, Chennai) in the matter of Mohammed Anabagilu Vs State of Kerala & Others dated 04/11/2015 regarding dredging activities taking place in Arikadi and Shiriya Kadavus under the jurisdiction of Kasargod Port and also illegal sand mining in these areas.

The Visakhapatnam Port Trust is the first among the major ports in the country to take up a solar power plant and the 10-MW solar power project is likely to be commissioned by March 2016.

Mumbai: Will thousands of tonnes of toxic coal continue to form mountains on Mumbai's eastern seafront or will the city's port trust stop handling coal?
