The Supreme Court makes the petitioner in a public interest litigation accountable

The Delhi High Court has expressed strong displeasure over varying stands taken by authorities on the trade of human hair. The court has directed the Municipal Corporation of Delhi to carry out an

A global oil crisis is just a decade away, warn geologists

A public interest petition was filed in the Bangalore high court which sought directions to implement pollution control measures in the city. The court directed the government to file objections on

The Delhi high court has asked the Central Public Works Department, civic bodies and the Central Pollution Control Board to devise an "aggressive" plan regarding the disposal of the solid waste plan.

Politicians, social activists and non governmental organisations rally behind Anna Hazare

At the time of going to press, Anna Hazare was released from jail. The Maharashtra government ordered his release after Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray wrote in the Sena mouthpiece, Saamna, that the

Anna Hazare says that he will not appeal against the judgment. Speaking with Down To Earth, from Yerawada Jail, Pune, Hazare says that his fight is not against any individual, but a corrupt system

One of the most polluted cityies of the world, the Mexico City may find an answer to the growing menace of pollution. Due to a surplus in cane output, sugar producers of Mexico are hoping that the

The Delhi High Court has issued notices to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on an application seeking contempt proceedings against CBI officers who had "virtually raided' the office of Delhi
