Judgment of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Sahil Garg Vs State of Punjab & Others dated 30/01/2024.

The matter related to concretization of open spaces, on the pretext of parking area requirements, and road-sides, in the name of pedestrian path, right upto the neck of the existing trees and non-implementation of any plantation program for developing green belts in open spaces and along the road-sides in SAS Nagar.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Shalbhjit Singh Vs State of Punjab dated 05/01/2024.

In the application, the grievance was against the industry M/s Nectar Life Sciences Limited (a pharmaceutical unit) discharging highly polluted chemical effluents in the agricultural fields causing damage to the crop, land and other incidental issues.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of H. C. Arora Vs State of Punjab & Others dated 02/01/2024.

In original application 169/2021, issue raised was in respect of inaction of the state authorities to take remedial action against contamination of ground water in village Aloarakh, block Bhiwanigarh, district Sangrur.

Reply by Municipal Corporation, Ludhiana in the matter of Council of Engineers & Others Vs State of Punjab & Others dated 31/12/2023.

The Government of Punjab on December 27, 2023, notified the Punjab Canal and Drainage Act, 2023. The following has been stated: Section 2 talks about various definitions like “canal” “culturable command area” and others. Section 3 talks about the Power of the state government to Appoint officers.

The Government of Punjab on December 19, 2023, published the Draft Punjab Motor Vehicle Aggregator Rules, 2023. The following has been stated namely: It states that these rules shall apply to all Aggregators operating in the state of Punjab and shall apply to all motor vehicles and e-rickshaws.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Avtar Singh & Others Vs State of Punjab & Others dated 08/12/2023.

The original application under Section 14 and 15 of National Green Tribunal Act, 2010 has been registered, considering the grievance that Jargari drain constructed by the villagers, crosses under the First Patiala Feeder Canal and outfalls into the Lassara drain and that Lassara, which is an interstate drain, has no outfall and it has become a pond.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of In re: News item appearing in Hindu dated 06.10.2023 “Pollution takes a front seat as stubble fires spike in Punjab” dated 29/11/2023.

The original application registered on suo motu exercise of power related to the issue of stubble burning and consequential aggravation in the air pollution. The tribunal from October 20, 2023 had regularly monitored the farm fire incidents in the state of Punjab and Haryana and had issued the direction to regulate and control the same.  

The Government of Punjab on November 28, 2023, notified the Punjab Canal and Drainage Bill, 2023. The main objective of the Bill is to ensure hindrance-free canal waters to farmers and land owners for irrigation purposes, maintenance, repair and timely cleanliness of canals, drainages and natural water courses.

Second progress/status report (May-September 2023) in compliance of National Green Tribunal order dated September 22, 2022.

In compliance with the NGT order, the state of Punjab constituted a committee under the Chairmanship of Administrative Secretary, Department of Local Government vide office order, November 11, 2022 for regular review of the progress for bridging the gap in solid and liquid waste generation and treatment.
