Continuing the process of disconnecting power supply to dyeing factories for failure to adhere to the norms for effluent discharge, the PSEB authorities today snapped power supply to five more units on the instructions of the Punjab Pollution Control Board. With this, the total number of dyeing units, which have faced disconnection of power, has gone up to 15 in the city during past three days.

The Environment Protection Department (EPD) is initiating a solar energy project in southern Punjab, an official told Dawn.

The project cost is about Rs84 million and Rs34.505 million has been earmarked for the current year, says EPD Director General Shagufta Shahjahan.

Punjab government is devising energy policy aimed at exploring the new resources as well as improving the existing to meet the growing demand of power. The government has decided to generate extra energy in the province under the constitution to meet the rising demand of the population. The province would set up power plants run by coal or water.

Jagraon: In what smacks of a scam, CFLs being distributed in Himachal Pradesh free of cost have surfaced in Punjab with a price tag. Some traders have procured the lamps and are selling these in the rural areas of Punjab and that too with the so-called subsidy of the PSEB.

Chandigarh: A memorandum of understanding (MoU) for setting up of 5 MW solar power project in Punjab was inked between Punjab Energy Development Agency (PEDA) and the US-based Enterprise Business Solutions (EBS) Group in the presence of Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal.

Long cuts plague industry
Haryana is facing its worst power crisis - thanks to an unprecedented hike in power demand and inability of the state to supply accordingly. While the domestic consumers in urban areas are facing cuts for 12 -13 hours a day, the industry in the state claims that it is virtually running on captive generation due to frequent tripping and sharp voltage fluctuations.

Punjab is set to generate 275 MW power on canal falls and tail races of hydel channels from the mini-hydel projects and was planning to generate 100 MW more in three years spending Rs 1,000 crore.

Dharamsala: A bag of cement costs more in Himachal Pradesh than Punjab despite the fact that a number of cement plants have come up in the state and their functioning is allegedly adversely affecting the natural resources of the state, besides causing pollution.

Punjab government has evolved a comprehensive programme costing more than Rs 1 billion to cope with the increasing level of pollution on account of increasing trend of population, industrial development and vehicles in the province.

Around fifty percent of glass industry has suspended its activities while the remaining units on the verge of closure due to gas and power loadshedding, the industry
