A radiation alarm went off at Tokyo Electric Power

A commission created to help resolve the impasse over the disposal of the nation

Tepco said the medical support worker in her 40s had been exposed to 7.49 millisieverts of radiation over three months, against the legal limit of five millisieverts

2nd woman exposed to radiation at Japan plant A second female worker has been exposed to radiation exceeding the legal limit at a nuclear power plant crippled by the March 11 quake and tsunami in Japan, its operator said on Sunday.

TEPCO also started increasing the amount of water being injected into the troubled No.1 reactor core as it prepared to flood the unit's primary containment vessel to cool the fuel inside in a stable manner
Scrambling hard to contain its worst atomic crisis, Japan is mulling setting up of a huge underground tank in the compound of Fukushima nuclear plant to prevent contamination from seeping into

The level of toxic water in two of the six reactors of the Fukushima plant has risen and is hampering the work of restoring its cooling functions

Tokyo, April 26: The embattled operator of Japan

On April 26, 1986, a reactor at Chernobyl exploded, setting off the world's worst nuclear catastrophe. It is tragically symbolic that exactly 25 years later, another nuclear disaster struck Japan. It is doubly tragic that the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant may eclipse what happened at Chernobyl.

Thousands of people marched in Tokyo Sunday to demand an end to nuclear power in Japan and a switch to alternative energy after the crisis at an atomic plant hit by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.

Brandishing placards bearing the slogan:

LAST JANUARY, Australia declined India’s request for uranium supply citing non-proliferation concerns.

London: The breast milk of four Japanese mothers has been found to contain small quantities of radioactive iodine.

The Japan Tokyo, April 19: The Japanese government on Tuesday urged local authorities, businesses and citizens not to discriminate against evacuees from the area around the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant.

The call came after some evacuation centres demanded radiation-free certificates from people who lived near the plant, and following reports that hotels have turned them away and their child
