The Nepalese government has 'gifted' two one-horned baby rhinos to the Zoological Society of London, UK, and has in the process, violated the Convention on International Trade in

Most of the world's rhinoceros populations are concen- trated in six range states: Kenya, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe in Africa; and India and Nepal in Asia. The White Rhino (Ceratotherium

If the rate at which poaching is going on in the country continues, the white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simium cottoni) may soon disappear from the face of the earth. Poachers recently killed a

THE one-horned rhinos of Kaziranga National Park, Assam, may yet get a fresh lease of life. Park officials, dismayed by poaching incidents, have demanded an additional 400 sq km area to the

A controversial CITES decision allowing South Africa to sell live rhinos may be based on fudged figures

The one-horned rhino population in Nepal's Royal Chitwan National Park has crossed the 450 mark despite widespread poaching, a recent rhino census carried out in the park indicates. The

Two recent raids have proved to be a setback for the lucrative wildlife trade in India. Though enforcement agencies are becoming more efficient, there are many rough edges to be ironed out

THOUGH under increasing pressure from conservation groups, Kathmandu is yet to impose a moratorium on giving away baby rhinoceroses to friendly countries as gifts. Animal lovers contend the

A RISE in poaching has threatened one-horned rhinoceroses in the Royal Chitwan National Park and the Royal Bardiya Wildlife Reserve along the Indian border. International groups are increasingly

The Chinese people may resent the restrictions, but the government has to crack down on trafficking in products from rhinos and tigers or else suffer US trade sanctions.
