In a move that is inviting the wrath of animal rights activists, South Africa is seeking permission to trade in white rhino horns. Under the Con

A fortnight after poachers killed four endangered black rhinos in southeastern Kenya, the Kenya Wildlife Service (kws) claimed that it had arrested one person in possession

After two decades, the rhinoceros is on the comeback trail in Uganda. Two southern white rhinos have arrived at the Entebbe wildlife education centre as part of a project financed by the World Bank

Poaching and encroachments threaten one horned rhionos at Orang National Park

There has been a rise in the number of two species of rhinoceros, the black rhino ( Diceros bicornis ) and the white rhino ( Ceratotherium simum ) in Africa, according to the International

Assam, India, is one of the last remaining strongholds of the Indian rhino, an animal that is dependent on conservation because of threats from poaching and destruction of habitat. Field research was carried out in Assam to ascertain the current state of the rhino and to evaluate various threats. This paper highlights the latest status of rhino in Assam after the census of 1999, and the intense fieldwork carried out between January 1998 and September 2000. Poaching and floods are both named as major problems that greatly hamper conservation.

A tale of four rhinos from Nepal's Royal Chitwan National Park to bardia, 600 kilometres away, the rhinos are forced to live in a new place for their own safety

the one-horned rhinoceros at the Kaziranga National Park is facing a

The Rhinoceros sonda'icus annami-ticus, a rare and threatened sub-species of Javan rhinos unique to Vietnam, are facing certain extinc-tion. A recently-conducted census of the animals' footprints

The Great-One-Horned Rhinoceros have been driven into a few pockets of Nepal and eastern India because of dwindling forests, where poachers are hunting them to extinction. A variety of other
