Scientists from the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and Pacific Power, Australia, have produced a synthesis of carbon monoxide and hydrogen by combining methane,

A solar-powered water pasteurising device called Solsaver, designed by John Grandinetti, president of Grand Solar Incorporated of Hawaii, USA, may bring an end to people falling prey to

Scientists working at the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics in Germany, have devised an 'intelligent window' which can automatically modulate the amount of sunlight entering a room. Just

Viruses pose a great threat to agriculture. An effective method for controlling the menace is raising plantlets by in vitro propagation in expensive greenhouses which require artificial lighting.

Promoting the cause of solar power against conventional power is the latest Swiss initiative

Canon USA, New York, is intro ing the world's first fully autorr 35-mm solar-powered camera, Sure Shot Del Sol, The cam weighing about 28 grams, designed to lie flat and has a

'Smart' solar panels have fina been developed by researchers of Albert Ludwigs University, Freibi and Fraunhofer Institute for So Energy Systems, Lauenforde, bw in Germany. The

The inability to produce cheap and efficient photovoltaic cefls that convert solar energy into electricity has, till now, hamstrung solar power generation, Scientists have

Designed to preserve essential and vaccines in remote villalps I ing electrical power, a solar rdri ator has been developed by research and development wim Bharat Heavy

An Indian Institute of TechnoN Delhi, researcher has devised a, to produce potable water fi impure water using solar ent efficiently. The device, a solar a produces 20 per cent
