Who is to blame for the world's environmental woes-the poor nations or the rich countries? The developed countries show high resource consumption patterns that make them the bigger polluters. But

Coral reefs, one of the world's most biologically diverse ecosystems, are in a steady state of decline around the world. A study by the World Conservation Union and the United Nations

Water consumption the world over is growing - it is likely to grow by five times between 1940 and 2000. This, coupled with the pollution of existing water resources is causing water scarcity in more

India's investment in research and development activities in 1990-91 was Rs 4,186.83 crores. This was just 0.89 per cent of the country's gross domestic product - a paltry figure compared

To lessen the burden that the burgeoning world population puts on resources, family planning programmes will have to cover about 650 million people by AD 2000 and about 880 million by AD 2015,

OVER the years, the application of chemical fertilisers has grown vertiginously in India. In percentage terms, however, this spectacular rise has left far behind the growth in food production,

All disasters, natural or human-made, have one thing in common; their capacity to maim, cause unmentionable misery, and loss of property and lives. But there is a twist in the tale. The World

conced in a rarified world of lecture rooms and ivory towers, pilloried by their critics as lazy, overpaid and irrelevant, the dons of the academic world were pinned squirming on a wall by a study

They do not always make it to the front pages or to the television screen, yet every minute disease and malnutrition kills nearly 24 of them. According to the report, The State of the World's

THE Human Development Report 1994 of the United Nations Development Programme reveals that economic relationships between the North and the South remain as skewed as before. Development assistance or
