The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) has issued notices and is monitoring the mercerising units located on the banks of the Noyyal in the district.
With the delinking of Kukatpally nala from Hussainsagar, the Telangana State Pollution Control Board (TSCPB) has initiated steps to bring down the pollution level in the lake.
UDAIPUR: A natural hot water well in dry Rajasthan! Yes, say earth scientists who have discovered one such in Bichardi village situated between Beawar and Pali districts of the state.
Ahmedabad: Industrial activities, coupled with unchecked pollution, would seriously affect the groundwater quality in Ahmedabad district, states a study by Mona Khakhar, an associate professor with
BENGALURU: "You may expect similar episodes in some more lakes fed untreated sewage," warned T V Ramachandra of Indian Institute of Science, who released a report on Devarabeesanahalli lake, where
HA NOI (VNS) — Many industrial zones nationwide failed to operate their waste treatment systems properly and have dumped large amounts of industrial waste with high levels of toxic chemicals into t
The Government has notified stricter environment standards for sugar industries operating in various states in the country. The primary aim of these standards is to minimise water pollution.
The Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change has notified the revised standards for Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs) operating at various industrial clusters in the country. The primary aim of the revised standards is to minimise water pollution.