Fund will not be a constraint to provide 100 mandays work to the job cardholders with the Union Government pumping the highest-ever allocation to carry out the national flagship scheme


UDAIPUR (Tripura), July 19: Criticising Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for going ahead with the nuclear deal, Tripura Chief Minister and CPI-M Politburo member Manik Sarkar today said if power is generated from different natural resources of the northeastern region it would be cheaper than that from nuclear reactors.
Addressing CPI-M supporters and activists here, Sarkar said huge quantity of power could be produced by using river water and natural gas available in the NE region.

"Punjab is one of those six states in the country which feels it is not necessary to enact legislation on control and development of groundwater resources,' said union water resources minister Saifuddin Soz. The other five states are Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura, Mnipur and Arunachal Pradesh.

Incidentally, in neighbouring Haryana and Jammu and Kashmir, initiatives are being taken for enactment of the Model Bill circulated by the Centre while Chandigarh and Himachal Pradesh belong to the category that had already enacted and implemented the groundwater legislation.

Agartala, July 16: The Tripura Government has decided to conduct an extensive survey of the flora and fauna of the state under bio-diversity conservation project funded by the Japan Bank for International Corporation (JBIC). Experts have identified as many as 31 bio-diversity hotspots in the State, including 21 in South and West Tripura districts.

Hailing the ceremonial release of

Agartala, July 6: The Tripura Home Guards have set up a huge plant nursery during the spare time of the volunteers within a year and also announced to supply the plants to all public authorities for planting in their campus and along the busiest roads of the State in the monsoon. State Forest Minister Jitendra Choudhury and Environment Minister Joy Gobinda Debroy officially inaugurated the nursery today at Police Lines here, which has more than one lakh seedlings of 35 different species, including seven rare flora.

The oil price hike burdens already strained State finances and threatens to jeopardise welfare programmes run by State governments. THE Union government's decision to raise the prices of petroleum products has placed State governments in a quandary. While taxes on petroleum products constitute a significant proportion of a State's revenue, a reduction of these taxes could undermine the State's fiscal balance.

Bamboo has a peculiar phenomenon of flowering. Flowering in bamboo draws attention, as it dies after flowering and is believed to cause famine. Gregarious flowering occurred in 1958, which was followed by the 1959 famine. John and Nadgauda showed that there is a connection between the incidence of bamboo flowering and famine, and that it may not be a myth, but a reality. (Correspondence)

In an effort to make people aware of the rapid and alarming change in the environment worldwide, Tripura State Pollution Control Board along with Centre for Media Studies (CMS) and Cine Delve, a film society of Agartala will screen a series of special films here on September 26 next. The Agartala film fest will actually be a part of country-wide similar show to be organized by CMS. Besides Agartala six other selected State capitals
