Hair pollution hits Karnataka

Gubraida gram panchayat scripts a success story by bringing illegal mining to a halt

Nicotine has potential to cure tuberculosis, which is caused by a bacte

Wildlife in the Sariska Tiger Reserve is facing serious health problems. In the past two years, about a dozen tigers and leopards, which were killed in road accidents or found dead, were found to be

tuberculosis has devastated Russia's population. Tatyana Dmitrieva, Russian health minister, says that the incidence of tuberculosis had more than doubled since 1991, reaching 68 cases per

according to a report by the World Health Organization ( who ), "hot zones' for Tuberculosis ( tb ) are spreading worldwide, where the new drug-resistant strains could potentially lead

• DENGUE DETECTION KIT: Casil Health Products Ltd, Ahmedabad in colla-boration with Pan Bio Pty Ltd, Australia has developed a rapid detection kit for the dreaded dengue fever . The detection

Reemergence of infectious diseases like tuberculosis (TB) is among the major health hazards resulting from increasing globalisation, says a report published by the Institute of Medicine, the medical

the much-publicised 'breakthrough' for tuberculosis (tb), hailed by the World Health Organization (who) as capable of bringing the global epidemic under control, has been criticised by top tb

•The West Bengal government has introduced a water pricing policy for affluent users and industries. Accordingly, they will not only have to pay the operation and maintenance costs of
