Four micro-hydel projects in Nepal

A UNDP report links democracy with a better human development scenario

A study sponsored by the United Nations Develop

The world has sufficient resources to accelerate progress to accelerate progress in human development for all and to eradicate poverty. According to the United Nations Development Programme's Human

The United Nations Food Agency (UNFA) has predicted that 1999 will be a difficult year as far as natural disasters are concerned. "Forecasts for the 1999 show there will be a likely increase in the

Current economic growth patterns: the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Take a look at the patterns of consumption between 1975 and 1995. The world's richest people - only 20 per cent of

The Nepal government and the United Nations Development Project (UNDP) have recently concluded an agreement for providing US $2,5 million for the implementation of the ambitious Micro Enterprises

More than 35 senior officials from various leading insurance firms recently came together in Zurich, Switzerland, to found, in association with the United Nations Environ

A US $12.5 million project that focuses on poverty alleviation, environmental protection and improving the quality of education has been launched in Pakistan. The project, instituted by the United

The latest Human Development Report highlights the need for people and resource friendly development
