This manual is designed as a self-learning and assessment tool so that teachers can work with students to audit their use of natural resources and to experiment with environment friendly practices.

The Gujarat government has come up with a quick-fix solution to ensure that parched areas of the state get irrigation benefits from the Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP). It has drafted a proposal to

At the end of each photo journalistic journey I make, it finally comes down to this those first moments of nervous discovery. It was then that the parallel began to grow on me. The twin realities of one image!

Of India's 18 major rivers, 17 are inter state. In all cases, the water is intensely fought over. In all cases, there seems no resolution. In such a situation, can modern India take a page or two out of the traditional water manager's unwritten manual on

The worst drought of the century to have hit Australia has made the country realise what a valuable commodity water is. Much to the distress

Thirty years of planning, 15 years of construction, ten years of promises and Rs 15,000 crore later, the Sardar Sarovar Project is finally functioning officially. But...

SSP was originally and primarily an irrigation and hydropower project. Today there is a shift in focus: one talks only of drinking water

The best solutions are always simple. This is well exemplified by the Natural Sugar and Allied Industry, a sugar factory located near Latur, Maharashtra. Due to excellent water management, the factory did not buy a single drop of water for its operation d

This is a work of encyclopaedic scope. The subjects it deals with range from an in depth study of the treatment of water in the Indian Constitution to an examination of the degree of success of different treaties on the sharing of waters between countries

The column width dedicated to rain in the mainstream print media has hit an all time high. A few days ago, television news reporters with that special ability to capture and re create frenzy planted themselves on Kerala s beaches, not chasing a vacation
