Recurrent droughts and floods coupled with mass poverty, chronic unemployment and pervasive malnutrition are the major challenges before India. The Union government usually responds by complaining about truant rains and doles out funds in an arbitrary man

Drinking water project peppered with flaws

The metro railway project has brought in its train a problem on another front: management of water. As digging proceeds on a daily basis, gallons of sub-soil water have to be extracted and disposed

Learn the intricate art of mismanaging water

For the first time in two decades, Australia is reeling under a water crunch. Restrictions on water use have been imposed on Melbourne residents. Environment minister Sherryl Garbutt has directed the

Shifting of industries to Bawana will affect groundwater reserves

The karez system could solve the country's water problems

Why has private participation in the urban water sector failed to take off?

The new buzzword in the climate research circles is vulnerability and adaptation. Just like most of the climate discussion the words have become so dense, that their meaning is lost on most, except
