Poaching has become very common in Zambia's largest national park due to a severe shortage of supervising officers. The Kafue National Park has less than 500 officials. Enviro

Zambian forests are being threatened due to the large-scale exploitation of their resources for fuelwood. Though Zambia is a major producer of electricity, only seven per cent of Zambian homes are

Foot and mouth disease has broken out in Livingstone and surrounding areas. Humphrey

The World Bank has approved a US $70 million loan to improve roads and road management in Zambia. A spokesperson for the World Bank said that the funding would enable road repairs to be speeded up,

The country is struggling to prevent large-scale deforestation by people who mainly rely on charcoal and firewood for fuel. According to William Har

The use of solar energy in the health sector has brought many dividends for African countries. The World Health Organization (who) had initiated a project 15 years ago for the application of solar

The country's remote north-western province could serve as a model for Africa's poverty-ridden, famine-stricken areas. The province has been transformed from a food-deficit to a food-surplus

Zambia's plans to bring in 1 million tonnes of maize to avoid famine after the 1991-92 southern African drought has come a cropper because the country had no organisation to receive the imported

A 12- nation African group headed by Zambia and Namibia is gunning for Hiroshi Nakajima, the World Health Organization (WHO) chief. Nakajima has offended the Africans by allegedly making some

One of the outreach projects implemented by DAPP Child Aid in the Chibombo District in Zambia is the GVEP International - Gaia Movement
