The Last Shirt Maker in Ndola

Last year's controversy about food aid from the us containing genetically modified (gm) materials appears to have left African nations wiser. Four

Hundreds of hungry villagers in Zambia looted a warehouse storing genetically modified (gm) maize, whose distribution had been banned by the government. The desperate villagers assaulted the lone

WSSD clearly illustrated the hatred of the US bullying tactics

While Malawi has decided to mill genetically modified (gm) food from the us, Zambia is still resolute on its decision not to accept gm maize. Zimbabwe, on the other hand, has instituted a milling

A compromise has been made to stave off starvation. Although Zambia initially rejected genetically modified (gm) maize in food aid, it has now asked the World Food Programme (wfp) to buy the cheaper

There is an urgent need to rationalise traditional medicinal systems to stop unscrupulous use

Zambia and Kenya are set to lock horns over ivory trade at the next Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (cites) meeting scheduled for November 2002. While a proposal to lift the

Tourism stakeholders in Zambia's tourist capital of Livingstone, the departure point for the world famous Victoria Falls, are expressing concern over what they call "bureaucratic confusion' of the

A new report by African Friendship Fund, a non-governmental organisation (ngo), says that the
