Particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide and ozone: Delhi’s air is already overcast with a very high

The extent of air pollution in Paris is an indicator of what unrestrained consumption of diesel can lead to

Diesel does not help to counter the threat of global warming

Neither improving diesel quality nor upgrading engine technology help to avert the threat posed by toxic particulate emissions from diesel vehicles. The only option is to ban registration of new diesel cars

It wreaked havoc in Europe. Now scientists are worried that acid rain may soon acquire grave proportions in India. Acid rainwater may cause irreparable damage to the country s biodiversity, crop yields and the economy. Will we be prepared for it when d

Scientists became aware of acid rain more than a century ago

Strohalm, an environmental group, launches a campaign to tax corporate flyers in the Netherlands

Arun Kumar Badoni has taken upon himself the task of conserving medicinal and aromatic plants in the Garhwal Himalaya

If fossil fuel emissions go unchecked, there is a possibility of sulphur dioxide emissions increasing four fold in India by 2020

High levels of sulphur dioxide in the air could threaten the agricultural sector
