India has a huge variety of grasses. But the wealth is being destroyed

There is nothing but sand interspersed with rocks, reflecting sunlight in all its resplendence. Travelling northwest of Jaisalmer in Rajasthan, suddenly one comes across a hutment surrounded by a

More than 200 tribes, comprising 6 per cent of the country's population, are engaged in pastoralism. As grazing resources decline, nomads find themselves pushed against the wall. Migrating along with

Overgrazing is just the tip of the iceberg.The real culprit is mismanagement

Misdirected conservation efforts take their toll on grasslands, and Desmodiums are a case in point. Desmodiums are legumes; they can fix nitrogen directly from the atmosphere into an organic form to

This paper discusses the political circumstances which help explain why the insanitary living conditions of such a large section of India’s urban population have been ignored, and contrasts these with the circumstances which explain successful sanitary reform in Britain in the second half of the 19th century.

There is, therefore, no dearth of opportunities that can and should be seized to get rid of poverty and illiteracy, improve living standards, and maintain a balance between want and waste.

With the introduction of bicycles for public use, Luud Schimmelpenninck hopes to make Amsterdam a car free city

THE message of the citizens fifth report on the state of india s environment

Joint forest management makes Darjeeling s Makaibari estate an environmental treasure
