The Tata Energy Research Institute's report on fuel consumption trends calls for a clear energy policy to prevent India from being trapped in an oil intensive development patttern. It says unless renewable energy sources are tapped and conservation effort

The Netherlands is negotiating with Bhutan, Costa Rica and Benin a long term reciprocal development treaty that is based on Dutch assumption that rich nations must pay for their overuse of natural resources.

THE GREEKS believed many herbal potions had a contraceptive effect. Theophrastus (circa 300 BC) and De materia medica of Dioscorides (AD 40-80) listed many recipes using such ingredients such as the

A Russian Uzbek offer to finance the Tehri dam has sparked fresh debate over the building of the massive structure in what many contend is an earthquake prone area.

A JAPANESE company will soon begin manufacturing toilets incorporating biosensors that can detect diabetes. This will enable doctors in their clinics to monitor diabetes, especially in patients over

Experts are calling for optimal use of a clean fuel that has been paid little attention.

While US vice president Al Gore cast his lot with the anti incinerator, industry greens, residents of East Liverpool, Ohio, got together to protest the loss of the incinerator job bonanza.

A computerised information service on the relevant technology and potential for an industrial venture will soon be in the market.

Proposal by manufacturers to withdraw import concessions on certain pesticides is resented by farmers who fear that it will result in major price hikes.

KAREN Perremans and her colleagues at the Zoological Institute at Leuven in Belgium have discovered that birds have unique "featherprints," which may make it possible to identify bird species by
