Information on the African rainforest elephant, whose survival is threatened, is trickling in now via satellite, thanks to a new technology. Wildlife biologists of the New York Zoological Society

INDIAN meteorologists are on cloud nine. They had forecast 92 per cent average seasonal rainfall for the country in the 1992 southwest monsoons - and the predictions came true almost to the last

Scientists are fighting the uzi fly, a parasite of the silkworm, with a wasp like insect that can help reduce that menace of the uzi fly, a parasite of the silkworm.

The devastating famine that is killing Somalis by the thousands each week will end some day, but they may find out then that they have to deal with a new horror: the country has become a dumping ground for vast quantities of toxic waste.

Two interesting congresses to be held soon will focus on indigenous science and technology. Another programme, launched recently in the Capital, is taking scientific concepts to the people and aims to promote awareness of scientific issues

The fragile ecology of the Garhwal Himalaya witnessed another season of cloudbursts, landslides and flash floods made worse by the 1991 earthquake in the Bhagirathi valley. Down To Earth compiled a firsthand report of life in the unstable Himalayan ran

Scientists are using DNA to be 99.99 per cent sure of an individual's and paternity in criminal cases

Carbon dioxide trapped in pits built for tubewell motors in Haryana's green revolution districts have killed hundreds of farm workers. Scientists say overexploitation of the state's groundwater resources is indirectly responsible.

Many European nations have banned the free passage of toxic waste between borders, despite the common market concept.

Babu Lala Sharma, Chairperson, Bharat Jan Vigyan Jatha 92, United Newspapers, 4 Windsor Place, New Delhi 110 001 G N A Nayar, Chairman, M N Sreedharan Nair, General Convenor,
