Kochi: The proposed waste-to-energy (WtE) plant at Brahmapuram would consume two million litres of water per day (2MLD) during the operational phase and generate 2,88,000 litres of blowdown waste w

25 times increase was seen in TB diagnosis when pharmacies referred symptomatic TB patients for X-ray followed by doctor consultation

Stored energy can power GPS location-based transmitters or 1.8 volt LED

It’s been 15 days since Cyclone Fani swept through coastal Odisha but Erra Babu, 51, is not sure if he would be able to venture into the Bay of Bengal any time soon.

TO ADDRESS the mounting problem of electronic waste or e-waste, the waste pickers’ cooperative of the city, Swach, has decided to start a special drive for its collection.

NEW DELHI: Construction on areas between 20,000 and 50,000 square metres will not require environment clearance anymore, the Centre has said in its modified notification on the environment impact a
