The Mizoram Agriculture Department is taking steps to increase maize production despite an outbreak of the fall armyworm, which has left a trail of destruction in the fields across the State, offic

PANJIM: In a move towards implementation of Polluter Pays Principle as directed by the National Green Tribunal (NGT), the industries causing “substantial damage” to environment would be fined betwe

Bhubaneswar: The University Grants Commission (UGC) has asked all universities to make environment studies a compulsory subject for undergraduate students of all branches.

UNITED NATIONS, GENEVA: A Global Assessment Report (GAR), launched by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) here on Wednesday, has warned of new and much larger threats due

NEW DELHI: NTPC has so far been a major source of power for Delhi.

Trichy: After banning the use of carbide stones in artificially ripening mangoes, the food safety and drug administration department is now focussing on using ethylene powder to ripen the fruit.

The Punjab and Haryana High Court today directed the State of Punjab and the Pollution Control Board to take appropriate action on a report submitted by amicus curiae or friend of the Court on “Bud

Pilibhit: An incident of crop burning on a two-acre farm inside the official residence of the Pilibhit superintendent of police has sparked a row with the district magistrate saying that he would l

NEW DELHI: Stubble burning in Punjab and Haryana is once again hurting the city’s air quality.

Indian road construction workers walk with their luggages along the Indo China border in Bumla at an altitude of 15,700 feet (4,700 meters) above sea level in Arunachal Pradesh.
