Losing after winning is the worst feeling possible. This is how I feel looking out of my window at a thick pall of black smog engulfing my city. It was this time of the year, exactly 15 years ago, when CSE began its right-to-clean-air campaign

It was this time of the year, exactly 15 years ago, when Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) began its right-to-clean-air campaign. The air in Delhi was so foul one could hardly breathe. That was a time when air pollution was an unknown curse. Not much was known about its nature and the toxicity of the air contaminants. Our first work was to establish that the air was dangerous for health. But it was not easy to prove since Indian scientists and officials dismissed the concerns. Indian automobile industry was not even bothered. This was the time when there were no standards for fuel or vehicle emission quality in the country. Indian fuel had 10,000 parts per million (ppm) of sulfur in it (currently it is 50 ppm).

See Also

Report: Level of air pollution in Delhi.

Report: Myths and facts about CNG.

Feature: Small car revolution.

Analysis: Critique on CPCBs study of exhaust gases...

Report: Study of the exhaust gases...

Report: CNG programme in India.

Report: Report on CNG supply to NCR.

Report: Automotive CNG fuel specifications.

Book: The leapfrog factor.